Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Camper

Hey everyone!

First and foremost, Happy Thanksgiving! Too early for anyone to be up in the states (except maybe Rodg) but I hope everyone has an amazing Turkey Day.

Aaaannnd This is the first blog coming from inside my apartment! That's right, I finally have internet! Which makes me one happy camper, let me tell you. And it also means that I never, and I mean NEVER have to go back to McDonalds. Even happier camper! As the place is a little messy right now, I won't include pics, but as my mom can attest, the skype tour takes very little time.

Well, it's my first thanksgiving away from home and I have to admit, it's quite depressing. Especially since I have to work today. There's no cutting up celery, onion, or bread with Gram the night before while watching the Red Wings, no waking up at 10 am to the smells of turkey and dressing wafting up to my room, no Thanksgiving Day Parade w/ mom going in a sing-song voice, "I love a parade."  But I'm taking solace in listening to some songs about America and a little country too (sorry Mom) And if you're wondering, listening to country music when you're away from home will make you feel VERY American, so that's good. But in the words of Simon and Garfunkel, "Michigan seems like a dream to me now." I also made sure to buy some American food to celebrate. On my Thanksgiving menu: Cereal, pb&j, and Oreos. Quite a culinary feat, huh? But as my apt has no oven, I couldn't attempt to make a turkey. And really, I can't cook, so...yeah.

Lastly, I'd like to take this opportunity to say what I'm thankful for. Going on this adventure has been far from easy and there's been some stressful times. But my family particularly my mother have been so supportive and encouraging for the past two months or so. Also, I want to thank my friends for giving me endless encouragement by writing and posting on my facebook wall. Even though we're not all together at school anymore, your love and support has kept me going these past few months and given me things to laugh about when I was down and out. So, to Mom, Sarah, Gram, Dad, Rodger, Bwhite, Laura Summer (since that's your name now) Sowa, Tawney, Sarah Russell, Chels, and Millsy a deep and sincere thank you.

Yep, cheesy, I know but I can't help it. :) But Happy Thanksgiving and hopefully I can watch the Lions lose later b/c it's just not turkey day without the Lions losing.

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